Multifaceted support type SP-8 1P_V2 for autonomous lighting

Multifaceted support type SP-8 1P_V2 for autonomous lighting

Mast dimensions:
Mast size: H=8м
Mast top diameter: d=100мм
Mast bottom diameter: D=265мм
Mast dimensions:
Flange dimensions: A=450мм
Central distance of fixation holes: a=360мм
Number of fixation holes: 12
Hatch dimensions:
Marking (for confirmation by the customer):
Vref.=28 m/s  
II category of terrain  
Strength factor: 1.35 (permanent loads) and 1.5 (wind)  
Type of anchor: Anchor FS 150 1.0m (450*360) M20